My Story
I have spent the last four years re-learning how to be…me. The path has been heartbreaking, tiring, and confronting but has also been filled with my greatest growth experiences and spiritual development. In May of 2020 I separated from my partner of 14 years. We have 2 wonderful children and were business partners for 12 years, there was so much to unravel, so much to re-learn. There was also so much guilt, self-doubt, and fear to shed. All of this fear told me I wouldn't make it on my own, I wouldn’t be loved by anyone else, and I wouldn’t be able to provide for my children. Through all of the noise, Spirit was louder. Spirit reminded me that I have always been ok, and this time I would be too, I just needed to trust.
So I bet on myself and my Spirit and started making my journey toward Joy, Peace, Ease, Pleasure, Liberation, and Connection. I began the process of building a new home for myself and my children, creating a new community and new habits, I was teaching myself to set boundaries, to be vulnerable, to admit when I wasn’t feeling my best or needed help and, my favourite, to be slow.
The process of slowing down was hard. I was filled with guilt and fear of being seen as lazy, selfish, or unproductive. I didn’t know what slow was supposed to look like for me, I just knew that my spirit needed it. So, I started by slowing my breath. Resting. Meditating. Walking. And resisting the urge to "work harder" to prove my worth.
I started to pursue passions that I once felt were out of my reach. My journey has taken me to studying and becoming certified in the art of Life Coaching, studying and becoming certified in the art of clinical hypnosis from the University of Toronto, and studying through the Japan Reiki Association and incorporating the daily practice of reiki. Which then freed up space to, freely, listen to Spirit. To reconnect in a way that I never knew was possible.
Using the tools I've learned in daily practice has opened me up to a life I never thought possible. To be able to facilitate to others so that they can create their own version of their Highest Life is exactly why I've been put on this planet in this timeline. I am grateful that you took these moments to be here and I would be honoured to be a tiny part of your migration to Joy, Peace, Ease, Pleasure, Liberation, and Connection.
With an abundance of Love,

Hello Love,

A manifesto for my sisters:
If creation has always been our role, we will now be intentional with how we create. We will no longer build under duress or with force and words of anger or despair. We will speak with love and compassion and authenticity and empathy. We will walk barefoot in the grass. We will dig our fingers into the soil of the earth. We will seek truth and vulnerability. We will bathe ourselves in the waters under moonlight. We will drink from the sun. We will look up into the night sky and see the eyes of our sisters, our daughters, our mothers, and their mothers. Our skin will be caressed by warm breezes and the wind will whisper “You are divine”.